Friday, March 08, 2013

8th of March

It's Friday and the current forecast looks very promising for a pleasantly warm weather this weekend, so excited not to wear my winter coat anymore! Plus today is March 8th (International Women's Day) which is a huge holiday back home and I have a fresh bouquet of flowers on my desk to celebrate this special day. You will not believe the amount of flowers you would see on the streets of Russian towns today! All the boys (dads, brothers, granddads, boyfriends, husbands) give flowers (gifts are optional but flowers are a must!) to their girls on this day. The air is infused with the gentle scent of freshly cut tulips and roses anywhere you go, can you imagine that? I truly miss this beautiful holiday every year so much. 
Happy 8th of March, lovely ladies! Wishing you a beautiful day and a very relaxing weekend! xo
p.s. recent Instagram outtakes, find me @classy_fabulous :)

Пятница, 8-е Марта, прогноз погоды на выходные выглядит наилучшим образом, и у нас сегодня праздничный ужин. Вот оно - состояние счастья, обычного человеческого счастья от которого так тепло и радостно на душе. Очень-очень скучаю по тому, как мы отмечаем 8 Марта дома, в России, т.к. в Америке его не отмечают совершенно. Но мои американские подруги уже знают об этом особенном дне, мы с моей сербской подругой Тамарой (которая тоже знает и любит этот праздник) проводили ликвидацию безграмотности несколько лет назад по этому поводу :) И ещё у нас дома свежий букет, и вы ни за что не догадаетесь из каких цветов (нет, не пионы!). 
С 8 Марта, дорогие мои! Желаю вам чудесного весеннего настроения, любви и добра! Отличных всем выходных! хо
p.s. фотографии с Instagram @classy_fabulous.


  1. И Вас с праздником! Будьте счастливы!;)

  2. How nice that it's celebrated that way in Russia!

  3. Happy holiday to you too Elena! I also miss that day in Bulgaria! I carry it in my heart! Enjoy the day full with flowers and love!!

  4. I wish International Woman's day was celebrated more in the UK, sounds like such a lovely occasion for youxx

  5. While International Women's Day is not really celebrated in Germany, I received chocolate from my Polish colleagues and traditional mimosa flowers from the Italian team at work :-)
    How lovely!

    Lady of Style

  6. Aww, that's so lovely! I wish the day was celebrated more where I live!

  7. oh I also miss this tradition.. it was the same back home in Poland

  8. Ooh nice pictures, the flowers are lovely!

  9. amazing!!

    i invite to me too


  10. I really like the style of your pictures, they are very delicate and classy.

    Evainny´s Fashion Diary

  11. Hey! I'm from Brazil and also have a blog... I just found yours and absolutely love it!
    Your style is great, and the photos are awesome. Please, can you tell me which lens do you use?

  12. Gorgeous photos! So glad I found you blog - good stuff!
    I'm such a baby about the winter...I live in the south US where it doesn't get super cold, and I STILL can't wait for warmer weather. And of course, that first batch of peonies.


  13. I love that you did a post acknowledging International Women's Day! SO few bloggers in DC did, so this was so nice to come across! And obvi your blog is the jam. :)
